Chilean Exacta Bioscience partners with American Ginkgo Bioworks

Chilean biotech startup Exacta BioScience announced a partnership with publicly-listed company Ginkgo Bioworks, a US-based leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity.

Exacta Bioscience will harness the technology of its U.S. partner to optimize and accelerate the production of its crop protection product called FitoRoot.

“We selected Ginkgo for their extensive expertise in agricultural product development and optimization. This partnership represents a crucial step towards intensifying our efforts to ensure the quality and availability of one of our core products,” said José Manuel Bustos, CEO of Exacta Bioscience.

FitoRoot help crops better absorb water and nutrients while fortifying their defenses. This results in overall better crop health and increased resistance to stress conditions, such as droughts or extreme temperatures.

The product is currently being commercialized in Chile and is expected to expand further into Latin America in the coming months through Adama Chile, a global group driving biological adoption in the region, which will help them with the distribution. 

Source: StartupsLatam

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