GoodMeal raises $1M and welcomes the founders of Betterfly, Examedi and SimpliRoute as angel investors

The Chilean super app against food waste GoodMeal has received an investment from Cristobal Della Maggiora (Betterfly), Ian Lee (Examedi), and Eyal Shats (SimpliRoute). This is within the framework of GoodMeal’s crowdfunding campaign on Broota, where the company has already raised over $1M.

Rodrigo Haydar, CEO and cofounder of GoodMeal, shared that Della Maggiora and Shats were his mentors in Start-Up Chile. 

The startup was launched in 2020 to reduce food waste through technology. GoodMeal connects businesses that range from neighborhood stores to supermarket chains to users that buy at a lower price products that were not sold or that have an aesthetic defect. Since 2020, the startup has saved 950 tons of food, which translated into sales of over $1.5M with more than 1,100 associated businesses.

GoodMeal is developing two new business lines. The first one is the delivery functionality: the startup closed an alliance with Uber Direct, Uber’s last-mile vertical to launch the GoodMeal Delivery option. 

The second one is working with dark stores. GoodMeal recently closed a partnership with Store Central, a company that works with the dark stores model. The goal is to launch a physical store to connect end consumers with producers and wholesalers who do not have points of sale: 

“We are a solution that generates impact in the different stages of the chain, therefore, we have to be able to connect the surplus of our producers and wholesalers with consumers through technological integration with dark stores so that sales are withdrawn through those points,” adds Haydar.

GoodMeal’s goal is to eventually create a digital supermarket within the app, and NotCo will be part of that model.

Read more on Forbes.

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