Min Chen, Wisy: Enhancing the customer experience form Panamá to Silicon Valley, Ep 13

In this episode of the WeXchange podcast, we invite Min Chen, co-founder and CEO of Wisy, a Panamanian startup based in San Francisco that seeks to solve a one trillion dollar problem within the consumer packaged goods industry. Their solution –which is backed by Nasdaq, SAP, and Google– uses artificial intelligence to detect and predict product shortages with the aim to recover missed sales opportunities and increase customer satisfaction.

Originally from China, Min explains how her parents’ decision to migrate to Panama with no money, support network, and not knowing the language instilled an entrepreneurial spirit in her from a young age. Listen to this episode of the WeXchange podcast to learn more about Min’s story and how she expanded Wisy to the US and challenged the stereotypes of Silicon Valley founders.

Outline of this episode:

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