Submit a Story

Thank you for your interest in writing for LatamList! We write and share Latin American startup news in English so that the biggest stories from the region can reach an English-speaking audience. If you have exciting news to share from the Latin American startup ecosystem, we would love to hear from you. Here are a few guidelines to consider as you submit content:

LatamList Submission Guidelines

Submission Styles: Please submit a brief 100-200 word summary of the story you would like to share through our contact form. Submissions may be sent in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. You may also submit articles that have already been published in other sources that are in Spanish or Portuguese, which will be translated by the LatamList team, with links to the original story. We reserve full editorial control over LatamList and will only publish content that is relevant and newsworthy.

Topics of Interest: Our main topics of interest are investments, acquisitions, global expansions, founder stories, and unique industry insights. We are especially interested in global startups that were founded in Latin America and are reaching an audience abroad. If you or your company has an excellent story, please share it with us!

Article Length: Articles should ideally be no longer than 500-600 words, but we can accept more under special circumstances. Most of our news content is short-form and ranges from 150-300 words. However, if you think you need more space to write a particularly compelling story, feel free to send it to us to review.

Attributions/Links: If you reference a blog, article, or statistic in your piece, please include the appropriate links so that readers can view the original sources. If you can, please include alternate coverage or relevant links at the bottom of your article so readers can learn more about the topic.

Images: Please submit an image with your story of approximately 1200x675px. Photos can include company logos, team pictures, or relevant stock images (Pixabay/Unsplash/Pexels/Canva). If you do not submit a photo, we will choose one for you based on the story.

Self-promotion: Avoid submitting promotional content about your product or service, as we won’t publish it. Our audience wants your unique insight into industry trends, statistics and stories, not to be sold something.

Please note that LatamList reserves full editorial control over the content to be published on the site. If you have any questions about our decisions, please reach out through the contact form.

Thank you for your submission!

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