Watson for Oncology: Using AI for cancer treatment in Colombia

Colombia is the first country in Spanish-speaking Latin America to pioneer cancer treatment using AI cloud technology. Watson for Oncology, developed by IBM at Sloan Kettering Hospital in the United States, helps identify up to 11 kinds of cancer using hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, articles, and books.

This system allows oncologists to make more informed and rapid decisions, by giving them access to some of the 50,000 yearly studies in cancer research. According to IBM, the corpus of cancer research will double every 73 days until 2020, making it all the more necessary to be able to quickly process and use new treatment information.

Colombia receives 72,000 new cases of cancer each year, and with only 200 oncologists in the country, AI technology will help doctors treat more patients. Watson for Oncology speeds up the diagnostic process and brings accuracy up to 90-95%, according to IBM.

Read more in PulsoSocial or Radio Caracol.

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