1/3 of Latin America’s B Corps are registered in Chile

According to El Mercurio, Chile registered 14 new B Corps in the first half of 2018, the second most in Latin America, after Brazil. This growth brings Chile’s total B Corporations to 130, making up 27% of all of Latin America’s B Corps (477 total). B Corporations are companies that care for their triple bottom line: economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Chile’s first B Corp was TriCiclos, a waste management company that has been registered as a B Corporation since 2012. While the B Certification has previously been mostly concentrated in SMEs and startups, larger corporations are starting to gain an interest in becoming certified. Chile’s large agricultural corporation, Hortifrut, has publicly announced an interest in becoming B certified.

Chile’s Sistema B (B Certification company) also works with large companies like Parque Arauco and Mall Plaza, who use the certification to evaluate their providers. The next step for Sistema B is to move outside of Santiago and start evaluating and certifying companies in the rest of Chile. The number of B Corps worldwide has steadily increased since 2008, growing to over 2,600 by the first half of 2018.

Read more in the original article for El Mercurio.

Chilean recycling startup TriCiclos receives US$2.6M investment

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