Uber to expand new mobility programs to Mexico in 2019

LatAm List – Mexico and Brazil are in Uber’s sights as the rideshare company looks to expand its new mobility programs, including e-scooters and dockless bikes, to Latin America. These alternatives will be offered through Jump, an alternative transportation startup that Uber acquired in 2018 for a rumored US$200M.

Rachel Holt, Uber’s Vice President of New Mobility, said: “Yes, Mexico is in our launch plans, since we think it is a huge opportunity and we have been speaking extensively with the local government. Mexico and Brazil are the strongest markets where we see opportunities for alternative transportation options.”

Currently, Jump is active in ten cities in the US and manufactures its bicycles in China, although they plan to do some manufacturing in local markets as they transition to Latin America. In CDMX, Jump will compete with international rideshares, Mobike, VBike, Bird, and Movo, as well as local competitor, Grin.

Read more in Expansión.

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