New legislation accelerates e-scooter expansion in Buenos Aires

LatAm List – Last week, a bill was passed to regulate e-scooter traffic and rentals in Buenos Aires, causing a stir in the capital city’s e-scooter market. The bill will regulate maximum velocity, age limit, and minimum requirements that the “personal-use vehicle” should have to be safe.  

Grin, a Mexican e-scooter startup that works with Rappi, is already operating in some of Buenos Aires’ most transited neighborhoods.

Voltion, an Argentine startup that distributes AirWheel scooters in Argentina and Europe, is another promising player in the industry.

Glovo and Cabify’s parent company, Maxi Mobility, will also launch Movo, an e-scooter platform, in Buenos Aires in the next couple of months. Grin’s presence and the local government’s interest in regulation has accelerated Movo’s expansion in Argentina.

“We’re waiting for regulations and negotiations with the government”, comments Miguel Abad, Head of Public Affairs at Movo, and adds, “We’re interested in running trials when authorization becomes public.” They used a similar strategy with Cabify in order to operate legally in Argentina.

Movo will benefit from the brand that Glovo and Cabify have already established in Argentina, which will “help open doors” to move forward with their project. The company’s long term plans are to unify Movo, Glovo, and Cabify under a single multiservice platform.

It is estimated that Movo will launch its services with 300 scooters, the same amount they started with in other Latin American cities like Santiago de Chile and Montevideo.

Read more on iProUP.

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