Wizeline’s network of developers reaches 5000 engineers in 2017

Wizeline was already making headlines in 2017 by encouraging Dreamers from the US to apply for jobs in its Guadalajara office before helping them get visas in the U.S. Wizeline is a software outsourcing company that uses matching algorithms to speed up the product development process. In 2017, the platform grew explosively, from 350 engineers employed, to over 5000.

Founder Bismarck Lepe turned to Mexico when he founded Wizeline in 2014 because he saw the competitive advantage of a country that graduates 80,000 engineers every year. They also expanded to Ho Chi Min City in 2016.

From the original article in PulsoSocial:

“We believe that all companies need to adopt software and technology to continue to be competitive and survive and attract the best talent, and applying best practices to software development, that’s the hardest part,” said Wizeline founder and CEO Bismarck Lepe.

“Companies work with us because our collaborative platform and our carefully chosen team give them trust. We work with some of the best talent in the world to solve the biggest problems that companies face.”

Wizeline is helping spread Silicon Valley innovation to the whole world, and giving talented developers a chance to work with companies like Nike, Dow Jones, and the Wall Street Journal.

Read more coverage of Wizeline:

Reuters coverage

TechCrunch coverage

PulsoSocial coverage

Nathan Lustig’s article on Mexico’s startup ecosystem

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