Chilean insurtech, Jooycar, presents at Insurtech Brasil 2019

LatAm ListJooycar, a Chilean connected-car insurance platform, is preparing to expand in Latin America its usage based insurance solutions that obtain real time pay-as-you-drive (PAYD) and pay-how-you-drive (PHYD) data from its vehicles and drivers.

Besides offering smart car insurances for personal lines, the Chilean startup will also provide connected car insurance services for commercial lines, plus fleet management solutions with its soon-to-be-launched Fleetr app, delivering a unique value proposition which includes Artificial Intelligence capabilities to improve Fleets performance and ROI.

Matías Rencoret, Jooycar’s Sales Director, was in Brazil on April 25th attending Insurtech Brasil 2019, Brazil’s main innovation and insurtech event. He presented the company’s upcoming challenges and solutions.

Jooycar received a $3M investment last year from HCS Capital Partners to finance its international expansion across the US and Latin America after receiving its first investment from Chilean fund, Magma Partners.

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