Chilean prodigy presents AI robot at Index coding conference in San Francisco

IBM caught wind of eleven-year-old Sofía Dorta’s talent after her stunning performance in a Hack Girls hackathon in Santiago. They began providing her with online classes in artificial intelligence, and eventually helped her apply to present at Index 2018, an annual conference for programmers.

She was the only minor to present, explaining how she constructed a chatbot that recognizes and sorts electronic music, called “Electrochibot,” using Watson Conversation. She then used Node Red, a programming tool that connects devices, to connect Watson to Telegram, the messaging service where the chatbot operates.

Sofia’s programming talent garnered attention as far away as Brazil, so she even presented over Facebook Live during the conference to show them how it was made.

In an interview, she claimed to be inspired to code by Google’s contributions to open-source programming resources, specifically Kubernetes. According to her mother, Sofia will spend the next few months perfecting her robot and adding new functionalities before presenting again.

Read the original article here.

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