Satellogic will launch 90 satellites under Chinese contract

LatAm List Satellogic, an Argentine company that specializes in geo-spatial analytics, announced that it will launch 90 micro-satellites into space under a contract signed with China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CVWIC).

The first launch from the company’s base in Taiyuan will place 13 new devices in orbit and is scheduled for the last quarter of the year. The agreement between both parts will mark the first time a Long March rocket will provide launching services to international clients.

These micro-satellites will form part of a constellation that will provide weekly images of Earth with a resolution of one meter. This will drastically reduce the cost of high frequency geo-spatial analysis and improve its ability to provide solutions at a global scale in decision making processes across many industries, such as agriculture, afforestation, energy, finance and insurance, among others.

“This contract is an important step to bring our vision to life. With 90 more satellites in our constellation, we will be able to offer high resolution and weekly remappings of the entire planet at a price that will establish the new access standard in this market”, said Satellogic’s founder and CEO, Emiliano Kargieman.

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