Waze opens its fourth Latin American office in Chile

Chile has the third-highest penetration of Waze users per capita in the world. The app, which has over 100 million users in 185 countries, is extremely popular in Latin America, which makes up about one third of its consumer base. There are one million Waze users in Santiago alone.

The Israeli app was acquired by Google in 2013 and is loved by users for its real-time updates about road events, including police, accidents, and traffic. The information is crowdsourced from users, who can report incidents on the road to help other drivers.

The goal of the new Chilean office is to increase sales in country, ideally by triple digits. The Chilean market has been extremely attractive to Waze because the number of drivers in Chile continues to grow, and Chilean drivers have been particularly loyal to the app.

According to El Mercurio, this is Waze’s fourth office in Latin America and its 25th worldwide.

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