WiFi marketing platform DataWiFi enters Rockstart Accelerator

LatAm ListDataWifi uses free WiFi networks to help clients analyze and market to their clients more effectively. The Colombian startup is currently the most-used WiFi marketing platform in Latin America.

Founded in 2016, DataWifi participated in Start-Up Chile in 2018 and will now be accelerated by Dutch accelerator, Rockstart, in Colombia. DataWifi’s team currently authenticates 30 million connections per month.

“This year we have closed important deals with carriers and channels which have really helped us grow in the retail sector. We have a huge challenge for 2019, which is to consolidate our operations in Colombia and begin to expand in Latin America,” said María Claudia Osorio, one of DataWifi’s founders.

Currently, DataWifi works with malls, telecommunications businesses, and Colombia’s Ministry of Information Technology (MINTIC). They are developing a program specifically to help banks better satisfy their clients using free wifi networks.

Read more in PulsoSocial.

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