Brazilian Speedio raises $720K in a funding round led by ACE and TM3 Capital

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Speedio raised $720K in a round led by ACE and TM3 Capital. Other investors include Select Portfolio, Venture Hub’s investment pool, and angel investor Marcelo Baratella. 

Sao Paulo’s Speedio transforms commercial prospecting with advanced Big Data tech, automating the process for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

The startup plans to use the funds to expand its commercial and technology areas.

“Our solution incorporates an opinionated design and utilizes artificial intelligence and BigData to automate 90% of the ICP selection process and commercial prospecting for both SMEs and large companies,” said Diogo Públio, founder and CEO of Speedio.

In the last year, the platform’s growth has exceeded 100%. Speedio aims to generate revenues of around $2.66M in 2023. With over a thousand active clients, including renowned brands like OLX, Mills Estruturas, Accesstage Tecnologia, SENAI, SESI, and Nutriplan, Speedio was awarded the best lead generation platform for the second consecutive year at the 2022 B2B Awards.

Read more on Startupi.

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