Companies join forces to increase COVID-19 testing in Brazil

LatamList – Dozens of companies ranging from healthcare to logistics and payments have come together to create the “#2in2” movement in Brazil. The initiative aims to increase COVID-19 testing which still remains low in the country.

As a result, each company has donated funds and resources based on their field of expertise. The group includes Rappi, Loggi, Vitta, Cia Da Consulta, Iguatemi, Mattos Filho, XP Investimentos, QR Consulting, Orbitae, Sic Works, and Renovatio

Thousands of antibody tests are now available on the Rappi delivery app for a cost of $45 (R$251). Also, customers can choose to donate a test at the time of purchase. 

Tests will be available for collection in parking lots with results sent digitally between two and five days. The capacity for tests is 800 per day.

“Moment #2in2 is a response from civil society to one of the biggest challenges of this pandemic, which is the quality and quantity of tests available,” said Tiago Barros, director of Vitta, a healthtech involved in the operation.

Read more on Exame.

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