Latin American tech and VC in 2019

This article was originally written by ALL VP‘s Federico Antoni. Selected excerpts have been copied below, so please see the full article to read Federico’s predictions for 2019 in detail!

I post these predictions to start the conversation for the year in Latin American tech — plus it’s a fun exercise.

In this context colored by our own national complications, Latin American tech will cement all the progress made during the fantastic 2018. I think total VC investment for this year will miss last year’s mark while the number of deals will go up.

Let’s start with regional trends

  • The entrepreneurial ecosystem in Mexico will have a tough year.
  • I’m afraid Argentinian and Colombian ecosystem will miss a great opportunity.
  • Chile will be a great surprise growing from acceleration sweetheart to regional tech hub.
  • I bet Brazil tech will take more risks this year expanding decisively to Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia.

In a nutshell, if nothing terrible happens, 2019 will feel like a long year but one where Latin American tech has a chance to thrive.

Read the full article here to learn more about Federico’s region and sector-specific predictions for tech in Latin America in 2019.

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