WeWork Labs arrives in Mexico

LatAm List WeWork, a coworking company from the US, recently launched WeWork Labs in Mexico, which is the company’s global innovation platform that seeks to build thriving startup ecosystems around the world. Mexico is the second country in Latin America to have this service, and the first was Brazil.

Starting this month, the company will offer a program for local startups that are looking for coworking spaces, connections with key players in the ecosystem, and contact with strategic partners.

“WeWork Labs has two main goals. The first is to support startups that already frequent our offices. And the second is to create alliances with corporations to help develop innovative initiatives, connecting them with our global network,” said Gustavo Álvarez, WeWorks Labs Mexico’s Director, in a press release.

To reach these objectives, the coworking company is creating alliances with accelerators, incubators, universities, and venture capital firms like Magma Partners, Dila Capital, and Variv.

Since its launch in 2018, WeWork Labs has grown and operates in 17 countries, 33 cities and helps more than 1,300 startups worldwide.

Read more on Expansion.

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