Founderlist launches campaign to raise $4.6M for six startups

LatAm ListFounderlist, Latin America’s answer to AngelList, opened its first investor day with more than $2.1M already committed to the six startups with open rounds on their platform.

The equity crowdfunding platform hosted fifty of Chile’s top investors at Banco Bci in Santiago, Chile on Monday night to launch their campaign. Six startups presented their pitches, some founders even calling in from Israel and Spain where it was well after midnight. Investors excitedly shouted out questions from across the room, praising the founders for their initiatives.

This was not your average Demo Day. These six startups had the unique opportunity to pitch alongside their lead investors who had already committed up to $2M to the rounds and could explain to other backers why they invested. Founderlist uses a Syndicate model to provide startups with backing from several investors while only adding a single entity to their Cap Table.

The startups that presented included Yerka Bikes, Unima, GeneproDX, InkaRobotics, Wheel the World, and Neurognos. All of these startups currently have their rounds open on Founderlist and can receive investment from anywhere in the world through the platform.

“Founderlist has given us an opportunity to raise our round with experienced venture capital investors from Chile and around the world,” said Wheel the World co-founder, Alvaro Silberstein. “This event was a unique chance for startups to present alongside investors that already support their efforts.”

“We are very excited about the quality of startups that we saw present in our Investor Day yesterday,” announced Founderlist’s co-founder and CEO, Pedro Varas. “Events like these are showing that Chile is becoming an important hub for venture capital in the region, and globally.”

We were excited to attend Founderlist’s Investor Day yesterday as the main media partner. This event augurs a strong Q4 2019 for Latin America’s startup ecosystem.

Find out more about the startups that presented here.

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