Itaú Bank launches COVID-19 support initiative

LatAm ListItaú Bank, a Brazilian neobank, announced a new initiative called Todos pela saúde (All for Health) to support the Brazilian population during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The initiative consists of a $180M (R$1B) fund created from donations for the coronavirus relief efforts which will be directed towards public education methods and support during the pandemic. This will include:

  • Informing the public with campaigns on personal hygiene measures.
  • Testing health professionals and the wider population.
  • Supporting state public managers and regional municipalities in setting up crisis committees; training and supporting health professionals; expanding hospital capacity and efficiency; greater Human Resources.
  • Developing a plan for the reintroduction of normal life post-pandemic.

The Todos pela Saúde fund joins the many other initiatives set up in Brazil to help fight COVID-19 and keep the Brazilian population safe and healthy. 

Read more on Yahoo Finance.

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