Read More1 minute read LLet's Talk E-CommerceMarco Carbajal, Openpay: What is a payment processing platform and how does it work?, Ep 2byAngel AndracaDecember 16, 2020 Let’s Talk E-Commerce by Openpay is a podcast for entrepreneurs and companies interested in immersing themselves in the…
Read More3 minute read IInsightsThe future of payment processing in Latin AmericabyLorena TorresDecember 14, 2020 2020 has been a transformative year for many industries. A global pandemic has had a profound impact on…
Read More1 minute read SStartup FundingChilean startup Justo raises $2.3M for Latam expansionbyJosefina Domínguez IinoDecember 10, 2020 LatamList – Justo, an e-commerce platform for restaurants and online stores, recently raised $2.3M from investors including Jaguar…
Read More1 minute read LLet's Talk E-CommerceEric Nuñez, Openpay: How do people pay in Latin America?, Ep 1byAngel AndracaDecember 1, 2020 Learn about e-commerce with Latin America’s experts on electronic payments and make the best decisions when growing your…
Read More3 minute read IInsightsHow do payment processors work?byLorena TorresNovember 12, 2020 Payment processors are instrumental in the increasing adoption of e-commerce in this digital age. Through these platforms, businesses…
Read More3 minute read IInsightsHow to reduce online fraud in eCommerce in Latin AmericabyLorena TorresOctober 15, 2020 It is undeniable that eCommerce in Latin America is here to stay with the worldwide shift to digital.…
Read More4 minute read IInsightsLatin America’s Tech Tailwinds Will Remain StrongbyNathan LustigOctober 6, 2020 After decades of exponential growth for internet startups in the United States, John Luttig’s article, When Tailwinds Vanish,…
Read More4 minute read IInsightsHow payment platforms can help Latin American businesses increase sales onlinebyLorena TorresSeptember 15, 2020 About two-thirds of consumers prefer cash to credit in Latin America. However, that is quickly changing with the…
Read More2 minute read SStartup ExpansionsGrupo Pão de Açúcar advances in the digital supermarket racebyAdelyn GunawanAugust 30, 2020 LatamList – The Pão de Açúcar Group, Latin America’s largest food retail group, accelerated investments to keep its…
Read More1 minute read SStartup FundingRoute optimization startup Pathfind raises $1.8MbyAdelyn GunawanAugust 12, 2020 LatamList – Pathfind, a tech company that provides optimization solutions in the distribution of charges, raised a $1.8M…